4 Reasons to Choose Fiber Internet From a Local Provider

Woman using fiber internet

Has your home Internet been cutting in and out or lagging in speed this year? Are you feeling frustrated with price hikes and inconsistent service? If you want faster and more reliable connectivity, then it’s time to explore fiber Internet options with Micrologic.  Discover three benefits of fiber internet and the advantages of teaming up […]

5 Reasons to Choose a Local Internet Service Provider

Person looking at their device

Ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated trying to find the best Internet Service Provider (ISP)? There’s usually one that’s too slow, too expensive or just doesn’t offer what you need. And with more than 3,000 ISPs in the US alone, making the choice between them can feel overwhelming!   While you may feel more familiar with […]

Phishing: Don’t Get Hooked

How to Avoid the Bait   Watch out for fishy emails and links! Phishing scams try to hook you into giving out personal information by impersonating trusted sources like banks, companies, or contacts. In this blog, we’ll teach you how to recognize phishing attempts so you can avoid getting reeled in. What phishing is and […]

Recent Cyber Threats & What They Could Mean For You

Woman looking at her phone worried

In the last year, the world has witnessed an alarming 105 percent surge in ransomware cyberattacks. These attacks are designed to cripple people or businesses by making their computer systems unusable until they pay money or a ransom. Remote working brings benefits for employees, but when employees work outside the company’s internal network, there’s also […]

Why Your Old Router is Slowing You Down: The GigaSpire Blast Solution

Person looking at their phone

Are you tired of the constant buffering, slow loading times, and inconsistent internet performance? Your old router may be to blame.  Upgrading your router to the latest Wi-Fi standard, such as Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E, can significantly improve internet speeds across all of your devices.  Older Wi-Fi standards, such as Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, have limitations […]

Restoring Connectivity to Randolph County After Winter Weather Slams the Eastern U.S.

Just over a week ago, blizzard conditions, severe thunderstorms, damaging winds, heavy rain, and bitter cold slammed parts of the eastern US, leaving more than 70 million people under winter weather alerts on Friday, January 12th.   The massive storm was only one piece in a very active weather pattern. On Friday morning, multiple weather […]

6 Ways to Improve the Speed and Coverage of your Wi-Fi

Ring in the new year with high-speed hopes! Our team at Micrologic is dedicated to bringing all of our customers better, faster and always reliable Wi-Fi solutions for your home, business, or home office. From upgrading your old router, to using a mesh satellite, we’ve got you covered.   Here are 6 ways to improve […]

Why Prevention is Key: Stay Safe from Cyber Attacks with ProtectIQ

In today’s digital age, cyber security is a top concern for individuals and businesses alike. With the rise of cyber attacks targeting sensitive information and valuable data, it is crucial to stay one step ahead of potential threats. This is where ProtectIQ comes in. As a comprehensive network security solution, ProtectIQ offers advanced protection against […]

Here’s Why Every Home and Business Needs a Robust Security System

Security is a fundamental concern for both residential and business properties. In this blog post, we will explore the crucial role that security systems play in safeguarding homes and businesses, with a focus on the overarching importance of security. Here’s Why Every Home and Business Needs a Robust Security System 1. Crime Deterrence One of […]

8 Tips for Safeguarding Your Business with Security Services

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the security of your business is paramount. As technology advances, so do the threats to your valuable assets and premises. Thankfully, companies like Micrologic offer top-notch security services that can help protect your business from various threats such as theft and vandalism. In this blog post, we will delve […]