5 Reasons to Choose a Local Internet Service Provider

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Ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated trying to find the best Internet Service Provider (ISP)? There’s usually one that’s too slow, too expensive or just doesn’t offer what you need. And with more than 3,000 ISPs in the US alone, making the choice between them can feel overwhelming!


While you may feel more familiar with a big service provider or national name, there are considerable benefits of using service providers that are local to you. And in a lot of cases, it’s the perfect ticket to the best internet connection. 


Here’s 5 reasons to choose a local internet service provider…


What is a Local ISP?


A local ISP, or local internet service provider, is your neighborhood internet provider. Think of it as the tech-equivalent of your local community’s farmer’s market. They are smaller-scale internet providers that service specific geographical areas or communities. 


While larger ISPs have an expansive reach often spanning across multiple states and/or countries, they sometimes lack the customization packages or bundles your local company can provide for you. Big name companies such as Comcast, AT&T and Verizon have extensive coverage making them available in many regions and giving them access to a vast amount of resources, however they don’t always understand the needs of a community or small business like local ISPs do. 


5 Benefits of a local ISP


  • Personal customer support and faster response time. In the event of a service disruption, a local ISP is usually easier to get a hold of and will usually respond and fix the issue faster than a large-scale provider. Closer proximity allows them to provide hands-on immediate assistance, minimizing downtime and frustration for customers. Many local ISPs don’t just promise connection, they promise services that are personalized, affordable and reliable. You’re also more likely to get a direct line to a real person who is in your area and ready to help. Customer support knows the quirks of the local network and can usually guide you through issues more effeciently. 
  • Competitive pricing. Local ISPs recognize the importance of providing quality services residents and businesses can afford. They usually offer competitive rates and flexible packages. They can help you bundle services to get the best value for your money, which means more savings in your wallet. 
    1. They prioritize customers. A local internet provider prioritizes their customers’ needs and preferences. They cater to their customers and rely on reputation and even local referrals to stay in business. With large ISPs you’ll feel like just another account number, but to local companies, they’ll often put a face with a name and will hear, acknowledge and address any issues you are having. Local customers keep local ISPs in business!
  • They understand the market. Since they are a part of the same community, local ISPs have an understanding of specific issues and challenges that can affect internet connectivity in your area. This allows them time to design and deliver phone, internet and security solutions that are most suitable to you and your businesses in order for you to get seamless online experiences. 
  • It’s a reinvestment in the community. A significant portion of the bill you pay each month to a local ISP remains in the community when you shop local. In years to come this leads to community improvements and/or more funding for infrastructure, events or projects that benefit YOU and your family and business. Plus, it creates local jobs within your town and city, helping to increase employment opportunities in fields like customer service and technicians. 


Increased competition typically results in better prices for consumers, so when there’s only one or two big players in the game, they can set prices high. However, local ISP can disrupt this and increase the supply of internet services leading to better products and prices.


For the customer, this means more choices and more value for your money. And for the community, it fosters more businesses to stay motivated to be sure residents get the best services available. 


Micrologic is a full service voice and data cabling company with extensive experience in the cabling industry. We provide a wide range of high quality solutions and services to companies throughout West Virginia and surrounding states. 


We pride ourselves in never saying no to a tough problem that needs to be solved. Our solutions are flexible, reliable and cover both wired and wireless infrastructures.


And most importantly, our customers matter! We strive to provide each home and business we service with state-of-the-art communications and internet solutions.. We are continually expanding our network and offerings to meet our customer’s growing needs.


Contact us to learn more about local services we provide and to get a free quote!