Winter weather is here to stay—at least for a while. Along with the typical snowy skiff, we often face high winds, freezing temperatures, and whiteouts here in north-central WV. All of these types of weather can also leave us in the dark without internet or phone service on occasion.
The Micrologic team shares some info on how they are currently dealing with these stormy situations and what customers should do if they lose service.
Does Micrologic have a plan for when the power goes out?
All of our sites have a battery backup and so they maintain transmitting even in the case of a power failure.
Will customers lose internet if the power is out?
Most of the time the receiver on your house is not connected to the battery backup. So, if you are on the internet and your power flickers, your internet will go out because the radio on the side of your house is powered down and is rebooting.
What should customers do if the power does go out?
Even if the electricity just blinks for a second, it will power off and back on. So, if your internet is off, don’t panic, give it about five minutes and typically it will reboot, and you can log back on. You don’t necessarily have to do anything, and you should be good to go.
Too often we get people that call and say their internet is out and the power blinked, and by the time they call in, it is back on. If it doesn’t come on in about ten minutes, give us a call.
As storms and power outages become a regular part of our weather forecast, Micrologic urges customers to be patient should their electricity flicker and the internet goes out.