A Year in Review: Our Top 5 Stories of 2016
New year, new opportunities. While we’re excited to see what 2017 has in store for everyone here at Micrologic, let’s take a look at some of the highlights of last year!
1. Bringing Buccaneer Sports Back to the People
For the longest time, if you were a fan of Buckhannon’s High School sports, you only had two ways to hear about the action of the game. Unless you could make it to the game and witness it for yourself, your only other option was to read about it in the paper or hear the highlights from a friend or neighbor. It wasn’t until the school teamed up with Micrologic to build a network to create a direct line to the fans at home….. http://bit.ly/2ja80kh
2. Cut the Cord with Big Cable
Feeling the sting of paying the cable bill every month is something nobody enjoys. Further still, the larger your bill becomes, the less channels it seems that your contract allows. Luckily, with a number of streaming services popping up and gaining ground, the need for basic cable is fleeting. Explore a trend taking the world by storm and see just how easy it is to “cut the cord”…. http://bit.ly/2jkIqUY
3. 10 Reasons Your Business Should Have a Standby Generator in West Virginia
Whether you have a small business, large business, or municipality, a standby generator is an essential tool that will set you apart from the competition. Here are the top ten reasons to invest in a generator to sustain your power and keep business running smoothly…. http://bit.ly/2k7TSHQ
4. Weston Storage Avoiding Crime, Risk and Liability
The owners, like many self-storage operators, found themselves the victims of unit break-ins, vandalism and property damage occurring at night or when the facilities were most vulnerable. See how Micrologic aided in setting up the right security system to protect the business and its customer’s belongings… http://bit.ly/2k9sxp2
5. Cabling Solution Gives Auto Dealer Peace of Mind
Located in Upshur County, Buckhannon Toyota is an award-winning auto dealer who has served North Central West Virginia for more than 25 years. Over those 25 years the facility has seen growth due to its outstanding service and commitment to customer satisfaction. With growth, comes the need for heightened technology and security. See how Micrologic can take your business tech to the next level…. http://bit.ly/2jXbRhW