5 Home Security Tips for Summer Travelers

June 17, 2015

School is out and summer has arrived! For many, this time of year means packing the bags and heading out of town for vacation. Unfortunately, this time of year also means that peak burglary season has begun. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a Property Crime occurred in the US every 16.4 seconds in 2013. Before heading out of town make sure you do more than just lock the doors and consider some of these security precautions:

  1. Stop Your Mail – An empty home can be signaled by a large pile of unopened mail, and similarly unread newspapers. Before heading out of town either call the post office or visit www.USPS.com to have your mail stopped.
  2. Remote Monitor – To achieve the ultimate peace-of-mind consider installing a remote monitoring security system. Alerts and real-time monitoring can be sent to any mobile device or web-based platform to allow travelers a view into their home while their away.
  3. Remove Spare Keys – Why not? It’s not like you’ll need them while you’re away! Any easy to find location will be the first place a burglar will look for the keys into your home. So do yourself a favor and take your spare keys out of the flower pot, from above the door frame and off the porch.
  4. Avoid Social Media – It’s tempting to share that photo of your family at the beach, but privacy settings on social media platforms are not completely secure. Save your stories and photos until you’ve returned from vacation.
  5. Advertise Your Security – Security signage including yard signs, decals, and plaques can distract a burglar from selecting your home as a target. Even investing in surveillance equipment will keep an intruder from attempting to break-in.

Take these tips into account before leaving on your summer vacation and be sure to share with friends and family. Everyone deserves a stress-free vacation instead of having to worry about what’s happening at home.